Book of the Week: Does This Volvo Make My Butt Look Big? (Thoughts for moms and other tired people.)

My girlfriend Lisa B. gave me this book a few months ago.  It’s written by an acquaintance of hers (Annabel Monaghan) from her days living in Rye, NY.   I read a few chapters, laughed out loud a lot, then someone moved it (probably me) and I couldn’t find it.  


Fast forward to mid-July.   The time when I am halfway between the date that my first born graduated from high school and the date that he leaves for college.  It’s a weird (and kinda awful) period that you can’t identify with unless you’ve lived it. (Can I get an AMEN from my fellow class of 2017 mamas?) Then I saw this article from Grown and Flown“Living in the Leaving Period”


The “leaving period“???   That’s what you call MY current period!  OMG.  Guess who wrote this amazing article that hit every emotion I’m currently feeling right on the NOSE?  Annabel Monaghan, the delightfully funny author from Rye, NY who wrote the book that I lost among my stacks of books to read!
I looked a little harder and found it.  Glory hallelujah!  My leaving period is killing me so I need the humor from this insightful collection of essays of modern motherhood to get me through to the end of this kinda awful leaving period


Stay away from me on August 17th.  That’s when the leaving period ends and he’s moving in to his dorm room that is 115 miles from me.  Oh gosh.  I’m crying again.


Does This Volvo Make My Butt Look Big?: Thoughts for moms and other tired people

by Annabel Monaghan by Fischer Press Books
Kindle Edition ~ Release Date: 2017-02-07

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