App of the Day, Apple Health

All iPhone users have this app.  Did you know that in addition to helping you stay healthy, it could also save your life?


Click on the app on your phone now and you can see your activity for the day.  Click “health data” on the bottom of your screen and you can find all sorts of options to help you track “activity”, “mindfulness”, “nutrition”, and “sleep”.  Click “sources” at the bottom of the screen to see how your other devices and apps work with the “Health” app.


Finally, this is how it can save your life.   Click “medical ID” at the bottom.  Fill out all of these critical fields!   If you are ever in an accident or need emergency care, this information can be accessed without knowing your password.  Plus, if you use Emergency SOS on your phone, all of your emergency contacts will be notified and will be sent your current location.  Notice on the screen where you enter your Touch ID or passcode, you can click “emergency” on the bottom left to make an “emergency call” without needing the password. Others can also access your Medical ID from here.

Apple has an awesome guide to tell you more about how to use this amazing App.   I promise it is worth taking a few minutes to discover all about it.


I believe Google Fit is similar to Apple Health.  Click here for an article that compares the two.