Beth does her Krogering in an unusual way

Beth and I see each other at least twice a week when we exercise.   We therefore have plenty of time to chat and discuss a myriad of topics.   I was raving to her about Kroger Click List which is thankfully now just called Kroger Pickup (more on that another day) when she told me about Scan, Bag, and Go.   She LOVES it so I told her I wanted to go Krogering with her to understand how it works. 

Meanwhile, I’ve been wanting to learn how to edit videos and when speaking to the DHS Academy of Finance mentioned I was ready to hire a student to teach me.  Lucky for me, Molly Clinch contacted me later and now I have a DHS class of 2020 video expert on my “staff”.

I decided to merge my shopping trip with Beth and my video lesson with Molly and voila!  We have the following video!  I personally prefer Kroger Pick up so maybe Molly and I will video that process another day.

I hope you enjoy the following video….I predict they’ll get better and better….especially once we get a better microphone.   Isn’t shopping with Beth fun?!


p.s.  Kroger has no idea we made this video….they didn’t pay us.  We just thought it would be fun.

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