Events - 9 May 23

We know about the latest and greatest events in the Dunwoody and greater Atlanta area and always share the scoop via The Aha! Connection. Aha! readers are encouraged to submit information about upcoming events to be considered for e~blasts and web postings. Please note that although we consider ALL requests, we will publish MOST events that are submitted via this free option on the website. We will include a few of these events (but not all) in an email blast and on the Aha! Calendar of Events.

Bob Rathbun: Men\'s Ministry Speaker

Bob Rathbun: Men\’s Ministry Speaker

Date(s): May 09, 2023
Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Join Dunwoody United Methodist Church's Men's Ministry on Tuesday, May 9 at 7:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for a full southern breakfast with Bob Rathbun. The longest-tenured TV play-by-play announcer in Atlanta Hawks history and one of the NBA's...


Date(s): May 09, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Craig Wolpert from The Way of the Kitten is teaching a two hour self-defense seminar which will include a lecture and hands on techniques.   The course focuses on awareness, attitude and techniques used to avoid and get away from potentially...