Preventing Package Thefts

From the Dunwoody Police:

We often take reports for package thefts in our city. It’s important for us to understand that package theft is often a crime of opportunity which can be prevented at times. It frequently happens when home owners are not home and unable to bring packages into their home. These types of crimes may often be avoided by taking the certain steps to create visible and physical barriers to protect your property. 

Major retailers provide secure methods of deliver. Amazon, for example, has Amazon Lockers where you can send all Amazon orders to. CLICK HERE to find Pickup Locations near Dunwoody. It’s easy to use, and if you are okay with taking the extra step of picking your packages up away from home, this is an excellent way to avoid package theft. 

Alternatively, you can ship packages to your workplace, though you may want to check with your workplace policies to ensure you are being compliant with policy prior to adding your workplace address to any online order.

For those choosing to ship packages to their homes, providing delivery instructions is one free way to prevent package theft. In the checkout process for online orders, you can add specific delivery instructions for delivery professionals to follow. If you have a column, a bench, or something large that packages can be delivered behind, out of site from porch pirates, you can improve your chances that someone won’t be tempted to run off with your package.

As part of the online checkout process, you may have the option to require that the package can only be delivered with a signature. If you are able to be home during the delivery, this requirement adds a layer of security because it prevents your package from sitting unattended on your doorstep for any length of time.

One thing I always mention in Neighborhood Watch meetings is the effectiveness of security cameras. The visibility of a security camera or a doorbell camera on a doorstep often discourages porch pirates from stealing your packages. Some data shows that theft is as much as 300% less likely to occur when security cameras are installed. Additionally, cameras on your doorstep allow you to capture evidence that may be helpful for the police and if you need to try to recover stolen packages. 

Lastly, look out for your neighbors. If you See Something, Say Something. Be those eyes and eyes in your community to keep each other safe and keep your communities safe.

I hope you find this information to be very helpful.

Officer Anwar Sillah

Community Outreach

Dunwoody Police Department