2016 Paving Target Street List

source:  Dunwoody City Councilman Terry Nall

 Paving was one of the priorities for forming our own city.  At our December Council meeting, Public Works refreshed its list of streets targeted for 2016 paving.  The final list may vary slightly if project bids come in higher than expected.  Click here for a list of streets targeted for paving in 2016 with budgeted funds (also includes a refreshed list of 2017-2020 streets). 

As info, Dunwoody Club Drive between Brooke Farm Drive and Happy Hollow Road is listed for 2016, but this will only occur if City of Sandy Springs participates with its cost share for this city limits border street.

We’ll also review our city finances for fiscal 2016 at mid-year.  If 2016 is headed toward a surplus, certainly more funds could be re-directed to additional paving at that time. 
