The Mental Health Connection: How to Access Mental Health Care in Tough Financial Times 

by Tatiana Matthews MS, LPC, CRC  of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

Managing and attending to our mental health should not be an optional activity for any of us. Even so, the development of modern medicine has left mental healthcare behind.  Imagine someone who is doubled over with chest pains saying “Yes, I am in terrible pain,  but I can’t afford to go to the Emergency Room.”… Read More »

The Mental Health Connection: Helping teens and young adults build successful launching skills.

by By Neitcha Thomsen MSW, LCSW, CCATP of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

Parents work to support the successful transition of their children throughout the milestones of their lives. They are there to encourage the baby to walk, the child to tie their shoes, feed themselves, ride a bike, and other things that are steps into the bigger world.… Read More »

The Mental Health Connection: Boundaries as a tool for healing and growth.

by By Neitcha Thomsen MSW, LCSW, CCATP of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

In my work as a therapist, empowering and supporting families affected by mental illness through their journey of recovery has been one of my top goals. I have found that healthy boundaries can be one of the most supportive and challenging steps to implement as parents.… Read More »

The Mental Health Connection: Why Taking a Walk in the Woods Might be the Best Thing for Your Mind

by Bre Curtain, MS, NCC, APC  of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

As a therapist deeply invested in the holistic approach to mental health, I’ve observed a fascinating phenomenon: the profound impact of nature on our psychological state. Being fully immersed in nature can have a significant impact on our nervous system, heart rate, cognitive pace, and the quality of our thoughts.… Read More »

The Mental Health Connection: Breaking Free from Shame

by Meredith Metscher, MPH of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

Shame is a universal part of the human experience and yet, it lies in the shadows, often undiscussed. It is important to make the distinction between shame and remorse. Remorse can be a healthy part of someone’s emotional experience. It can help you reevaluate your thought patterns and behaviors when they cause problems and hurt others or yourself.… Read More »

The Mental Health Connection: Is it Tech Use or Abuse?

by Ross Mills, MS, NCC of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

Is it Tech Use or Abuse?

Technology is ever-present in our lives. Everyday items like phones, laptops, tablets, and video games are used daily by individuals of all ages. Advancements in technology have enhanced how we communicate, entertain ourselves, and work, making daily tasks easier and more enjoyable.… Read More »

The Mental Health Connection: What to Know About Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders

by Megan McKinney, LMSW of Atlanta Specialized Care for The Aha! Connection

In the age of dieting, thin ideals, and injectable weight loss drugs, dialogue around body shape and size is just as prevalent as ever. Through social media, conversations with friends, and even from medical providers, many people are feeling the pressure to change how they look in order to meet societal standards.… Read More »

Style Moment: Nail Polish Colors for Spring + GIVEAWAY!

Submitted by The Aha! Connection Style Editor for The Aha! Connection

In preparation for all the spring breaks, I thought I would post a quick nail polish update.  As I mentioned in a previous post, the game has really changed with the introduction of dipping and gel nails.  With these options mani/pedis are lasting 3 weeks plus, so choosing the correct color is important!  … Read More »

Ask Tatiana: What’s up with the trend in parents making alcohol accessible to their teens?

Dear Tatiana,

Am I missing something? I am surrounded by a trend in parents turning their head or even worst, making alcohol accessible to their teens. I keep hearing “they are going to do it anyway, at least this way I know they are in my home.” This seems crazy to me, but now I am questioning if maybe I am doing something wrong as a parent.Read More »

Ask Tatiana: What is a first session like? Do you go in with a “problem?” Who starts talking? 

Natalie Stadnick-Uhl from Atlanta Specialized Care gives some tips about counseling sessions:

While it can vary some between counselors — everyone has a different style — the first session is usually an “intake” session. You’ll fill out forms either in the office or prior to the appointment explaining any medical or social history that you’d like to share and be provided with information about limits to confidentiality. … Read More »

Odin Enterprises and Atlanta Specialized Care Announce Partnership

Odin Enterprises, a security solutions provider, and Atlanta Specialized Care, a professional counseling practice, are pleased to announce a partnership between the organizations.

Odin Enterprises has strong relationships with strategic partners, trusted advisors, and industry experts, who include some of the most knowledgeable individuals in the country on the topics of crisis management, workplace violence, forensic and clinical psychology, threat assessment, security, safety and trauma.… Read More »

Mental Health Counseling Scholarships Available for Front Line Workers

In case you hear of anyone in need:

Atlanta Specialized Care is providing a limited number of scholarships covering 100% of individual treatment costs for front line workers whose mental health has been impacted by their service during COVID-19. They have offices in Dunwoody and Alpharetta.  Interested parties should contact Tatiana Matthews

Tatiana Matthews MS, LPC, CRC
Atlanta Specialized Care
www.atlantaspecializedcare.comRead More »