6th Grade Summer Bridge & Foundation (Membership Toolkit) Registration Update

  1. There will be no Summer Bridge for rising 6th graders this year. Please know that the leadership team understands what a big move it is to go from elementary to middle school – one full of excitement and nervousness. As DCSD announces how the upcoming school year will look, our leadership team and teachers will be looking for creative ways to make sure our newest PCMS Patriots receive a warm introduction to PCMS to help them feel at home.
  2. In anticipation that PCMS will be operating under a reduced/no outside persons in the building – the PCMS Governing Board will be hosting its Membership Toolkit Registration and Annual Fund Drive virtually this year. We are still working to ensure all pieces of the process will provide for a smooth trip through your online experience, and hope to have this up and running by the middle of the month. More communication on this soon.
  3. The governing board recognizes that our school community has a diverse student body with unique language and technology needs. To help bridge this gap for the membership toolkit registration process, the governing board will be hosting foundation registration and free and reduced lunch application assistance events with our community partners. A separate email on this will be coming soon.
  4. Our first governing board meeting for the 2020-2021 school year will be held July 16th, 2020 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. During this meeting we will be discussing our goals and action items for the upcoming year and hopefully providing an overview of what school during COVID19 looks like at PCMS. An agenda with information on how to join the Zoom meeting will come via email this week. In order to make sure that all parents are able to understand the information shared in this meeting, we will be hosting the meeting in both English and Spanish. PowerPoints presented during the meeting will also be available online afterwards.