Local Author Audrey Galex to Shell-abrate her book, Turtle Rocks, with a Family Fun Day at The Breman

(ATLANTA, GA) – Atlanta’s Audrey Galex is thrilled to be the featured guest author at a morning of exploration and creativity at The Breman Museum, perfect for families with children aged 12 and under, on Sunday, May 19, from 10 am – noon. Galex will captivate young minds with a delightful reading session of her book, Turtle Rocks. Children are also invited to channel their inner artist and create their very own Turtle Rocks-inspired masterpiece! For more information, visit: https://thebreman.org/events/shell-abrate-family-fun-day-at-the-breman/.

“I am thrilled to have children at The Breman immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Turtle Rocks,” Galex says.

Galex continues, “Another highlight of this program is that May 23 – just a few days later – is World Turtle Day, which was a created as a yearly observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises.”

Turtle Rocks is a story of faith and belief in yourself. Through perseverance, the turtle friends provide positive messages for children of all ages, including facing obstacles with confidence, in this inspiring, whimsically illustrated book.

Illustrated by Colleen Finn, Turtle Rocks is an enduring story that children of all ages will enjoy, about the power of perspective, curiosity, and hope; about teamwork, friendship, and supporting others. It’s a story that encourages you to reach out to others when you need a hand, and to help others, even with something as seemingly simple as a kind word.

Audrey Galex believes in the power of stories to open our hearts and minds, and to connect people to new ideas and to each other. She grew up in Rock Island, Illinois, on the banks of the Mississippi River and remembers the childhood summer when her Uncle Marvin brought her and her siblings a turtle that they had to release into the river once summer was over, initially inspiring her to write this children’s book. Galex currently serves as Community Engagement Director for AIB Network (Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters, Inc.),

“Turtle Rocks is a children’s picture book with a seemingly simple story: On the surface, it’s a tale about turtles plodding along a forest path to sun themselves on a log in a pond, and about how each reacts to what appears to be a rock in its path,” explains Galex. “Beneath the surface, it’s a story of leadership, resilience, and authenticity.”

Galex adds, “There are many layers to Turtle Rocks — from teamwork and motivation to being true to yourself — whatever you are looking for in this story is what it will mean to you.”

You can order Turtle Rocks HERE: https://www.audreygalex.com/ or buy one at The Breman.
For more information, visit: https://thebreman.org/events/shell-abrate-family-fun-day-at-the-breman/.

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Aimee Schmidt
(678) 222-3700