Alex Eldridge earns the Rank of Eagle Scout

Alex Eldridge earned his Eagle rank in April 2017. The Eagle rank is the highest rank achievable in the Boy Scouts of America. Only six percent of Boy Scouts are granted this rank. Alex is a member of Troop 69 in Alpharetta, Georgia. He started as a Webelo scout in the 4th grade and has continued in scouting to earn more than 25 merit badges. He has attend several years of Boy Scout Summer camps during his time as a scout. Additionally, he participated in NYLT – National Youth Leadership Training, a week-long leadership program for Scouts. Alex also attended Sea Base, a Boy Scout High Adventure trip, in the Florida Keys in the summer of 2016.

For his Eagle Project, Alex led a team to build a 20-foot section of a boardwalk at the Autrey Mill Nature Preserve in Johns Creek, GA. The Eagle Project took many hours of planning and coordination with Autrey Mill Staff and scout-volunteers and will be a benefit for years to come for visitors of the nature center when walking along the trails.

Alex is a rising Senior at Dunwoody High School. He is an active member of the Math Team and the Academic Quiz Bowl team. Alex and his teammates, recently won the Green Power EMC Renewable Energy Award at the State Science Fair in Athens, GA in April 2017. He is also participating in the Georgia Governors Honors Program this summer at Berry College in Rome, GA.


Sherry Hodor