Background on Brook Run Park Improvements

The city is currently working with the professional design team of Lose & Associates on a proposed park design plan for the Brook Run Park Improvement Project based on the amenities, needs, and desires identified through the Parks Master Plan public input process.

Earlier in February 2018, the city had surveyors out at Brook Run Park marking boundaries, distances, topography, etc. for survey documents to share with the professional design team. As part of the survey process, a number of trees within Brook Run Park were tagged with tape/ribbons for identification purposes. The tape/ribbon markings placed on the trees in no way specify whether a tree would remain or be removed as part of any park improvement planning. It is also premature to catalog individual tree status within the park without a final approved design plan in place.

The city parks department is working with the Lose team on proposed designs and will attempt to minimize the number of trees removed for any park improvements, strictly adhering to the one-for-one tree replacement policy for planting new trees.