Brookhaven (& Dunwoody) residents should prepare for winter weather

Time to check cold weather supplies and prepare for winter storms and extreme low temperatures

Brookhaven, GA, Jan. 2, 2018 – With temperatures plunging below freezing for much of this week, the City of Brookhaven urges all residents to stay warm and safe this winter.

“This is the time that families should prepare for severe cold weather and winter storms,” said Brookhaven Emergency Management Coordinator Paul White.  “Our region gets some of its coldest conditions with potential for extreme cold, ice, freezing rain and snow in January and February.”   

Brookhaven encourages all residents to take additional precautions for winter weather:

  • Remember the three “P”s: Pets, Plants and Pipes. Pets should be brought inside; plants should be covered or brought inside; and faucets (both hot and cold) should be left dripping. Insulate water heater and pipes, especially external spigots.
  • Be cautious when driving. Even if there are not widespread icy conditions, cold weather can cause water mains to burst, resulting in isolated icy patches.
  • Purchase or restock a home emergency supply kit, which should include first aid supplies, non-perishable can goods, battery operated radio, prescription medicine, Sterno canned heat, disposable eating utensils, and cold weather supplies such as blankets and hand and feet warmers.
  • Have personal cell phones and devices configured for automatic weather alerts.
  • Check for extra flashlight and lantern batteries.
  • Replace HVAC system filters.
  • Have a supply of rock salt or similar melting product on hand for driveways in case of an icing event.
  • Stay warm safely. Do not use stoves or ovens to keep warm, and use space heaters according to safety instructions.
  • Have an emergency kit for cars that contains items such as sand/rock salt, ice scraper, blankets, water and a flashlight.
  • Learn how to shut off utilities safely in the event of burst pipes or electrical failure.

More information about severe weather conditions can be found at the National Weather Service website at: More information about home emergency supply kits can be found at the Department of Homeland Security website at: