City of Dunwoody Encourages Residents to Stay Home

Public Works crews and the Dunwoody Police are working to address and respond to critical needs, emergencies within the city. The city has prioritized all road-clearing activities and is concentrating on the main roads and thoroughfares and monitoring the needs in other areas based on the current conditions and extended duration and impact of this winter weather event.

Public Works crews are continuing to add a sand-and-salt mixture to bridges and major roads. Snow, sleet and freezing temperatures are expected throughout the day, which could make driving treacherous. Gov. Nathan Deal and City officials are urging people to stay off the roads.

As of 9:30 a.m. Wednesday morning the following roads in the City of Dunwoody are closed:

  • Perimeter Center Parkway Bridge
  • Harris Cir (tree and power lines down) WARNING HOT LINES STAY AWAY