The Dunwoody High School Council conducted a survey last week to determine whether parents and teachers believe we should sign a Letter of Intent to consider becoming a Charter School Cluster.  We provided a self-screening identifier to allow Dunwoody High School parents and teachers to participate; community members without a student in the high school were not included in the final count.  

240 parents and teachers responded to the survey.  We also had members of the community who responded; while their comments will be considered during the cluster petition process, their votes  did not count in this survey of parents and teachers of students at DHS.  (The community votes favored signing of the Letter of Intent.)

The results are:
Question 1:  Please indicate whether you are a parent, teacher, administrator, or community member.
Dunwoody High School Parent:  92.1%
Dunwoody High School Teacher:  7.1%

Question 2:  Do you support the School Council of Dunwoody High School signing a Letter of Intent to explore Charter Cluster status for the Dunwoody Schools Cluster?
Yes:  95%
No:   5%

67 respondents shared comments, questions, and concerns that will be shared in the next School Council meeting and forwarded to the parents and teachers who will represent Dunwoody High School in this effort.  (Two comments expressed strong opposition to the idea; the rest were in favor, with thoughtful questions about leadership, financial considerations, curriculum, teachers, and the process.)

This Letter of Intent is the first step in a process that includes advising the local and state Boards of Education of our intent, researching the content and structure of a Charter Cluster, and writing a petition that provides specific goals and strategies for our school cluster.  Every school in the cluster must support this initiative for it to move forward.   

Thank you for providing input into this decision.   If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please share them any time with a member of the School Council.

The Dunwoody High School Council
Donna Cannady Nall, Chair and Parent Representative, 2011-2013
Libba Morris, Co-Chair (Parent Representative and next Chair, 2012-2014)
Lisa Victory, Parent Representative, 2011-2013
Debbie Emery, Parent Representative, 2011-2013
Leslie Bauman, Parent Representative, 2012-2014
Erik Vincent, Teacher Representative, 2011-2013
Adrienne Rowe, Teacher Representative, 2011-2013
Bradley Anchors D.C., Community/Business Representative
Noel Maloof, Principal