Dunwoody Elementary School Collects School Supplies for Fairington Elementary

Have you seen the images of the fire damage at Fairington Elementary School in Lithonia? They are heart-breaking. DeKalb school officials believe someone set fire to a Kindergarten classroom last weekend. 

Here is a story with additional information:


We are excited as Dunwoody Elementary School can be part of the healing process. The PTO is collecting the following school supplies to replace those that were damaged in Fairington’s Kindergarten wing:

Crayons, 24-count
Blunt-tip scissors
Glue sticks
Primary journals
Watercolor paint sets
Dry erase markers + erasers
Kindergarten writing paper
White copy paper
Construction paper
Baby wipes
Ziploc freezer bags, 1-gallon + 1-quart sizes
Hand sanitizer
One lightly used or new kindergarten appropriate book


We will deliver collected items to Fairington Elementary next week. Please send in supplies with your child on or before Tuesday, January 27th and place in the collection bins located in the school foyer.

 Thank you for your generosity!