Dunwoody Gun Club, Dunwoody Leisurely Cycling Club, Dunwoody Men’s Coffee Groups

Dunwoody Gun Club. This club is open to both men and women who have an interest in shooting and socializing at fabulous gun range. We meet every other Wednesday at 11:00 AM at Sharp Shooters USA in Roswell followed by lunch at local restaurants.

Dunwoody Men’s Coffee Groups. This club is available to all men (retired or working) from our community who enjoy meeting others from the Dunwoody and Sandy Springs area for great conversation and fellowship. We meet at Le Crema on Tuesdays from 7:30 – 8:30 AM and on Thursdays at Panera Bread from 7:30 – 8:30 AM.

Dunwoody Leisurely Cycling Club. This club is available to all who enjoy bicycling other than riding the streets of Dunwoody. We ride at the Roswell Big Creek Greenway, just off Old Alabama and Holcomb Bridge Road. Lunch afterwards. This group is open to both men and women.


Dave Frew