Upcoming SAT/ACT classes:
Is your rising junior or senior taking the SAT or ACT this year? Edison Prep has 40+ SAT and ACT course options to accommodate your teen’s school and busy extracurricular schedule, as well as ample private tutoring options if desired! See the full calendar at www.edisonprep.com/start/
We get results.
Check out hundreds of happy testimonials from past clients and score increase statistics at www.edisonprep.com/results/
Free Mock SAT and ACTs:
If your student needs to take a diagnostic mock SAT and/or ACT to see which test is stronger for them, Edison Prep holds them every week, both in-person and virtual! Students will receive a detailed score report. Register at www.edisonprep.com/mocks/
Info sessions on college admissions, test prep, and scholarships!
Parents of freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can benefit from our free strategy sessions on college admissions, test prep, and scholarships that we hold 6-7 times each year. Details and sign up are at www.edisonprep.com/
About Edison Prep:
Edison Prep is a boutique SAT/ACT preparation company based in Sandy Springs whose founders are the two most experienced SAT/ACT tutors in Georgia, with over 60,000 hours of experience. All group courses are taught exclusively by the founders. For private tutoring, our small team of tutors has over 130,000 combined hours of SAT/ACT tutoring experience. Every year, we revise our published SAT and ACT books to reflect the ever-changing content of the tests!