Election Day – PLEASE VOTE! Polls are open 7-7 on Tuesday, 11/3/15

Do you normally vote at Dunwoody Elementary?   Well – that polling place has changed to Dunwoody High so make sure you head to the right place!

The voting location at the High School will be in the lobby of the auditorium.  This is located on the left end/side of the building as you face the school from Vermack Road.

This location has a level sidewalk entrance from the driveway with a very easy entrance for the handicapped, people using walkers/strollers and so on.  Please do not go into any other door to the school so as not to disrupt the high school students.  Also, keep in mind that buses will block the front driveway from about 2:30-3:25 so may be best not to vote during that time.

Following are a few documents that may be of interest to you as you prepare to vote:

Sample Ballot

Candidate Profiles

Where do I vote?

Information about HB 597