Gadly Plain

9780981892993smWhat do you get when you mix an orphaned girl just coming of age, a grieving, pain-filled family, a rural Kentucky barnyard, a donkey who has lived since Adam and has stories to tell, a mentally-handicapped man, and an apocalyptic climax? Happily, you get a literary novel that maintains its lyrical language and dramatic pace from the first to the last page and leaves you thinking, smiling, wondering, looking at this life and the next with eyes to see in fresh, new ways. When a young girl’s father dies, and her mother abandons her at her paternal grandparents’ home in Kentucky, no one helps her cope with the cloud of death that hovers over the family … until she wanders down to the neighbor’s barn. There in an earthy, unlikely haven, vistas open to Spring-baby that transcend time and place and even death. For readers who love well-written fiction that is both personal and sweeping in scope. If you enjoy novels with literary merit that show the intersection of the grit and grief and glory of life on earth with the presence and power and persuasion of the supernatural and heavenly, you’ll be enthralled. At the back of the book is an interview with the author and a discussion guide for reading groups and book clubs. Creative drawings by Raw Spoon, at the head of each chapter, bring visual life and added sensory dimension to the experience of reading this book.

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Jason Dew