Hurston Wins Chick-fil-a Scholarship……that’s me….Audra (Hurston) Anders (AHA!) back in the eighties serving fresh chicken salad!


I feel like I lost a bet….but I did promise to show this photo when we got a Chick-fil-a on “my side of town”.   Chick-fil-a was very good to me and I learned so much (including humility) from serving up “fast food” in Auburn Alabama’s Village Mall as a teenager.   I can remember smelling like chicken when we went out after work on Friday and Saturday nights!   My girlfriend and co-worker (Jenny) would kill us with White Shoulders perfume   trying to cover up the chicken and peanut oil smell!  I’m sure my old friend and fellow Dunwoodian, Starr Casey Ver Meulen remembers smelling like chicken when she left work at Guthrie’s of Auburn!   Ah….those were the days.   I hope to see some of our local teenagers working there as they serve me my fave CFA food and drinks!

Oh, and in case I haven’t mentioned it, my first customers were Bo Jackson and Lionel James.   I promptly took a quick break to call my Daddy and let him know!