Message from Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch

I know many of you are wondering what the Governor’s open order means for you, your families, and our community. First, let me share some promising news. Thanks to the metro area county and city local ordinances, the voluntary actions of small and big business alike to close things down or reimagine their business, and your personal actions to stay home before statewide orders were issued, the infection rate for severe illness in Dunwoody and surrounding areas is relatively low. I want to emphasize that this is a result of our collective action and your decisions to follow the guidelines set first by the city and then by the state.

So, while the Governor’s re-open orders are sooner than expected, this was inevitable. It now comes down to opening things up in a safe and manageable way. Our local businesses, who have served us so well through the initial phase, will have to make some very hard decisions about how to operate in a way that is best for their business, employees, and customers. I ask that we give them all the space and grace to figure things out before we cast judgement.


This next phase is still in our collective hands. Only you can decide what is best for you and your family. The virus is still among us and the onus is still on all of us to keep each other safe. The Governor has asked all of us to continue social distancing for the foreseeable future. I ask the same. I’m so proud of how our community has stuck together and supported each other through this tough time. I know I can count on you to continue to do that as we move into this next phase.