The One Chick-Fil-A Order To Induce Labor & Bring Baby Into The World

Here you are, 39 weeks pregnant, and you feel like you could pop at any moment. You’re ready to meet your baby, and secretly hope that every twitch or cramp is a sign of labor. Although most moms-to-be deliver by their 40th week, some moms stay pregnant longer which may require your doctor to intervene. If your baby seems like he’s moved in for good and you want to try to avoid a medical induction, you can try to jump start the labor process on your own. All you have to do it pull up to the drive-thru and try the one Chick-Fil-A order to induce labor.

According to experienced mamas all around the interwebs, Chick-Fil-A’s spicy chicken sandwich is the order of choice when trying to jump start the labor process on your own. Spicy foods have anecdotally been believed to naturally  Continue Reading at Romper