PCMS Art Winners!

Congratulations go to two of our PCMS students for their artwork being chosen for the Art Star Hall of Fame for Region One for the 2017-2018 school year. The students are now 8th grader, Chloe White and 7th grader Isabela Capistran-Aguilar. Their artwork was chosen to be enlarged and hung in the main hallway of the Administration and Instructional Complex on Mountain Industrial Boulevard for the 2017-2018 school year. The DeKalb County School District had the 2017 Art Star Hall of Fame Debut Reception earlier this school year with Dr. Green. After this school year, the two artworks will be sent back to PCMS where they will hang permanently. Congratulations Chloe and Isabela!

                        Chloe White
            Isabela Capistran-Aguilar



Amanda becker