PCMS Virtual Schedule

We are pleased to share the preliminary PCMS virtual schedule for students! While there are still more details to follow concerning the logistics of each day, we hope this will help families plan for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

  • Wednesdays will be dedicated for teacher planning, student conferencing (tutoring, intervention, support, small groups), parent conferencing/workshops, and IEP/504 meetings. Students will have unstructured time to catch up on studies and projects. 
  • Homeroom will be filled with activities such as STEM and social and emotional lessons.
  • Visit the new PCMS virtual learning hub at www.sites.google.com/dekalbschoolsga.org/pcmsvirtuallearning for information on registration and schedules as details are finalized.

For more information, view the DCSD virtual learning schedules and guidelines.