2 ingredient appetizer with no cooking – sliced green apples covered with Biscoff spread

Update:   I just found out from my food allergy expert friend (Dr. Debbie Sumner) that Biscoff spread is NUT FREE!   Hooray!

My friend/neighbor Shannon Dill served these at our December Book Club meeting last month.   Since then I’ve served them three different times.   Everyone asks exactly what I asked Shannon:  “What is this spread?!   It taste just like the cookies on Delta flights!”

I had to share this idea because it is both easy and delicious!   You can get Biscoff spread at Kroger in the Deli section.   Publix and/or Fresh Market may have it but I generally shop at Kroger so haven’t had a chance to check.

Directions:  slice a green apple, spread about a tablespoon of Biscoff spread on each slice.  Eat and enjoy!