New Year’s Day Menu

In my family Mama always had the exact same menu every New Year’s Day for lunch. I pretty much follow my Mom’s traditions and this is what I serve every New Year’s Day:

Turnip Greens
-Representing Money…eat more greens, earn more money in the upcoming year!

-I think we make cornbread simply because it is so yummy with turnip greens but somthing I just read says I’ve been eating it because it represents gold.

Black-eyed Peas
-Representing Luck….eat more peas…and be luckier all year long!

-I never knew why but just discovered that Pigs are a lucky symbol because they root forward signifying progress….eat ham and have more forward progress in the New Year!

Here are some articles I found regarding lucky New Year’s Day Menus…each contain recipes that you can use to bring good fortune to your family in 2015!

7 Lucky New Year’s Eve Foods

Lucky Foods for the New Year

Southern New Year’s Day Menu

Southern Perspective: New Year’s Day menu is key