Reminders from Dunwoody Police about celebrating Independence Day safely:

July 4th is a time of celebration- backyard grilling, neighborhood gatherings and fireworks displays. Unfortunately, July is also peak month for grill fires, and every year, an estimated 11,000 people are treated for injuries related to fireworks. Also, because loud fireworks can startle pets, more pets go missing on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year.


As you prepare to celebrate, we would like to remind you to take the following precautions to keep you, your family, pets, and neighborhoods safe:


1. In Dunwoody, fireworks can be set off between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on July 3rd and 4th and a few other holidays. On normal days, fireworks can be set off between 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.


2. Make sure your pet’s ID tags are up-to-date and securely fastened to your pet’s collar.


3. Fire up the grill! But only outdoors and never on porches. Keep children and pets away from the grill and never leave it unattended. Only you can prevent grill fires!


4. If swimming is in your Fourth of July plans, never swim alone. Avoid using alcohol around water. And please, NEVER leave children unattended near any body of water.


5. Most events have either canceled or postponed their fireworks displays for the 4th of July due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you locate a public fireworks show or plan on group gatherings, be sure to practice social distancing and other protective measures such as wearing a mask.


BE SURE TO SAFELY DISPOSE OF FIREWORKS! A few years ago, Dunwoody officers and DeKalb Fire responded to a call where a family improperly disposed fireworks into a garbage can. The fireworks were not properly extinguished which resulted in the garbage can catching on fire. The fire then spread to a nearby vehicle in the driveway and the house. Here are some tips to safely dispose of fireworks:


1. Before starting your firework clean up, be sure to let them cool all the way.


2. Sweep up all wrappers, packaging and garbage from your firework show. Check your street or area and be sure you get all trash picked up.


3. Pour a bucket of water or use your hose to saturate all used fireworks. This ensures that all fireworks are safely extinguished. Let them sit for at least 15 minutes before disposal.


Please be sure to share this information with the residents in your community.


Have a safe Fourth of July holiday!



Officer Anwar Sillah

Community Outreach

Dunwoody Police Department