All Saints Catholic Church – Remodel Plans

Note from All Saints Church Brochure:

As we begin to celebrate the 37th anniversary of All Saints Parish, we also begin to make preparations to ensure our continual growth as a parish family.

Under the program “Building the Kingdom of God”, we plan to raise funds which will enable us to address three vital areas of parish life, namely worship, education and ministries,.  The campaign is a phased program designed to grow and develop over the next few years, building the church first, and once completed, moving to build the administration building.  With your help, dedication and guidance, we are confident that All Saints Catholic Church will achieve the goal it has set.

As the 44th oldest Catholic church in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, we join our efforts with the many faithful who have gone before us, striving as they did to make our parish a fitting place of worship, education and growth.

All Saints
Rendering for new church buildings