Sandy Springs Society Announces New Leadership

Recently the Sandy Springs Society announced their new officers for the 2024-2025 year. Leading the women’s community volunteer organization will be Beth Robertson. Recently they awarded $370,000 in grants to 42 community organizations.

Other members of the Executive Board include:
• President Elect – Sana Thomas
• Immediate Past President – Beth Rousseau
• Vice President of Finance – Janet Quirk
• General Treasurer – Donna Jo Austin
• Project Treasurer – Carol Anne Hendrix
• VP Fundraising – Lisa Ford
• Recording Secretary – Jane Stallman
• Corresponding Secretary – Betsy Harrington
• Parliamentarian – Carol Johns

About The Sandy Springs Society
Since 1988, The Sandy Springs Society has been dedicated to improving the quality of life in Sandy Springs by supporting nonprofit organizations in the community. A charitable organization of women, the purpose of the Sandy Springs Society is to support nonprofit organizations in the community that promote the arts, heritage, education, the environment and social services in Sandy Springs. The Society has awarded grants of over $5 million through their annual grants process. To learn more, visit

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