Science-Inspired Fun for Everyone

turtleAssignment: Take 500 Holy Innocents’ Upper School students, place them in a controlled environment, and add some amazing science exhibits. Describe the reaction.

The correct answer is, “Cool!”

Computerized turtle races, demonstrations with 3D printers, and virtual reality experiences were featured at this year’s third annual Sciencepalooza, April 21, at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (HIES). Students also piloted drones, saw falconry in action, examined and handled the human brain, saw a flying quadcopter built by senior Jeremy Waldron, and watched a passionate Michael Green perform experiments from Science for Everyone, his interactive science and technology company committed to increasing students’ math and science interests.

Sciencepalooza, sponsored by the school’s chapter of the Science National Honor Society, has a mission to kindle students’ interest in science careers and hobbies. And judging from the reactions of students all afternoon, that mission was well accomplished.

Sciencepalooza was created by HIES chemistry teacher Stephanie Garner in 2013, and organized this year by chemistry and physics teacher Mandy Love.

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Peggy Shaw
(404) 303-2150