Honoring Fête des Vignerons, a centuries-old Swiss wine celebration that occurs every 20 years, White Oak Kitchen & Cocktails and the Swiss Consulate have partnered to create an unforgettable, wine-infused extravaganza. While the rare event is happening this summer in the midst of Switzerland’s vineyards, Atlantans and visitors alike can get a taste of the experience at White Oak in the heart of Downtown Atlanta on Thursday, July 25th from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. during a special reception featuring passed appetizers and unlimited tastings of Swiss wines imported specifically for the occasion. Wine lovers will also be treated to live music from Grammy-award winning, Swiss musician Linus Wyrsch and in-house Découpage demonstrations by Lucrezia Bieler, an artist trained in this delicate craft of cutting paper into intricate, lace-like patterns. T ickets are available for the reception starting at $35 at https://www.freshtix.com/events/a-swiss-wine-reception. For more information, visit www.whiteoakkitchen.com or call 404.525.7200.
(404) 525-7200