The Brickery Grill & Bar is Closing

Too bad the burger boy never made it over there…perhaps he can get there before the final closing date!

Source: Reporter Newspapers

The Brickery: ‘It’s been a helluva run’

The Brickery Grill & Baraaaa, an iconic Sandy Springs restaurant, will close in December, its owner says.

“Everything has a life,” restaurateur Bruce Alterman said. “It depends on how you look at it. We look at it as: It’s been a helluva run.”

The restaurant has operated in downtown Sandy Springs for nearly 24 years, Alterman said.  The shopping center housing the restaurant is being razed to make way for a new multi-use development. The Brickery must vacate by late December, Alterman said, meaning there isn’t time to relocate the business and reopen in a new location.  Continue reading at Reporter Newspapers