“The Elephant in the Room – School Supply Lists and Academic Inequity”

Source: Dunwoody School Daze

I can recall being overwhelmed with the amount and cost of school supplies when my children were in elementary school and we are a middle-class family.

This is a spot-on post by Dunwoody resident and co-chair of GLASS (Georgians for Local Area School Systems) Erika Harris. 

I agree with these particular thoughts from Erika:

“We constantly assault these families with the guilt of needing to be actively involved in their children’s education, actively involved with their schools and in their school district. Yet by the sheer magnitude and organization of a mega school system, we make it incredibly difficult for families to be actively engaged in the education process.

As an educator, if I am going to prioritize where I need the support of my students’ families, I would much rather see them be able to attend the parent conference or come watch their student’s performance in a school play.

There is no reason why a well-run school system for a student of any socioeconomic background, should not be able to supply the classrooms with materials that are needed for day-to-day operation.”

Click the following link to read the entire post: https://www.facebook.com/notes/erika-harris/the-elephant-in-the-room-school-supply-lists-and-academic-inequity/10153374950865236