Tree Mulch Project at Brook Run Park- volunteers needed for Saturday

DSC_0801Friends of Brook Run Park is looking for volunteers this Saturday morning October 26 at 10:00 A.M. to help with the removal of clay and mulch against many mature trees (hickory, oak, beech, poplar and loblolly pines) along the 12 foot multi use trail. As many of you know, mulch and dirt against trees will invite ants and promote fungus and tree rot.

Brent Walker, Director of Dunwoody Parks and Recreation, has approved and encouraged this volunteer project.

Please call or email Bobbie Sedam at the attached contact information if you are able to help with this important project. Bobbie will give you directions as to where to meet that morning. There will be fruit and homemade edibles for those who volunteer.

Please bring the following with you if you plan on attending (we may have extras):
* A water bottle
* A rake or favorite hand tool with your name labeled on it
* Garden gloves.
* Clippers

Join us in the park and help these magnificent trees that provide so much good for our community!


Bobbi Sedam