Wesleyan School Hosts Nearly 900 Sophomores at College Advising Event

Nearly 900 10th grade students and their parents gathered at Wesleyan School last week as the school hosted the ninth annual Atlanta Invitational Case Studies (AICS) for the second time. The AICS is a consortium of private, independent Atlanta-area schools who have joined together to help students understand and prepare for the college acceptance process. Representatives from 76 college and universities were in attendance to guide the students through a workshop that illustrated the acceptance process, answer questions, and host a college fair. It is important high school students to realize the value of leadership, maintaining a strong grade point average, and taking rigorous classes. To illustrate these points, the sophomores were given four fictional student files that included items such as recommendations, resumes, transcripts, and school profiles. The students, with their parents and college reps, then walked through the admissions process and voted to accept, waitlist, or deny the fictional students. The workshop paired with the college fair offered students and parents a realistic understanding of the college admissions process. Wesleyan School was honored to host the event.

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