Why You Should Refrain From Posting Your Kid’s College Acceptance To Social Media

Note from Audra:  Selfishly I’ve enjoyed seeing all of the post from friends with kids getting accepted to colleges.  It’s so hard to get into UGA these days that it is hard to resist shouting out to the social media world when your kid finds themselves on a trek to Athens.   However, reading this article gives a whole new perspective about the practice of posting our kids’ college acceptances and how it may increase anxiety for kids and parents alike.   I can remember when my oldest was a high school senior, he avoided adults like the plague until he made his final decision because it was hard to find new creative ways to say “I’m not sure where I want to go to college yet.”   I doubt this article or my thoughts will stop the social media posts but maybe it will make you think about what/how/if you say something to high school seniors about this topic.