Winter Clothes & Children’s Clothes Needed for the Community Assistance Center

CAC-logoGive the Gift of Warmth this Winter

CAC is in need of gently used winter clothing, including children’s coats and jackets and men’s hats and gloves.  Donate anytime at CAC, 1130 Hightower Trail, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 between 9am-7pm Monday – Thursday.

Children’s Clothing Needed
Please donate gently worn children’s clothes to CAC and help local families. CAC is in need of girls clothes in  ALL sizes (infant – 14) and Boys 2T  – 7/8. Generous donors allow CAC to give clothing to about 545 individuals a month. Donate anytime at CAC, 1130 Hightower Trail, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 between 9am-7pm Monday – Thursday.

About CAC

The Community Assistance Center (CAC) brings together the Sandy Springs and Dunwoody communities to provide compassionate assistance to neighbors in need by providing financial support, helping to meet basic needs and promoting self-reliance. CAC works to prevent homelessness and hunger locally with the support of 30 congregations of all faiths, public and private grants, civic organizations, schools, businesses and individuals. Donors provide financial resources, volunteer manpower and in-kind donations.

Community Assistance Center | 1130 Hightower Trail Sandy Springs, GA 30350 | (770) 552-4889