10 Tiny Organization Tasks You Can Finish in 10 Minutes (or Less)

From realtor.com

When was the last time you smiled with pride upon opening a cleaned-up junk drawer or closet? If you can’t recall ever having this feeling, it’s time to hit these hot spots.

And you don’t need all weekend to make some progress.

“Mini tasks make a big difference—like the ones you can accomplish during a TV commercial break,” points out Jamie Novak, author of “Keep This Toss That.”

You might be surprised by how tackling just one small area—like your overflowing silverware tray or tool chest—can put you in a much better mood. Organizing can also help lower your stress levels over the long term.

“Visual chaos is a constant reminder of things to do,” Novak explains. “This, in turn, is a distraction that can make doing everyday chores that much more challenging, frustrating, and time-consuming, since you have to work around stuff that’s in the way.”

Feeling inspired to stress less by reducing your mess? Here are 10 organizing hacks for the clutter magnets in your home. Tackle just one today, and we promise you’ll feel better!

Click here to keep reading!

10 Tiny Organization Tasks You Can Finish in 10 Minutes (or Less)

From realtor.com

When was the last time you smiled with pride upon opening a cleaned-up junk drawer or closet? If you can’t recall ever having this feeling, it’s time to hit these hot spots.

And you don’t need all weekend to make some progress.

“Mini tasks make a big difference—like the ones you can accomplish during a TV commercial break,” points out Jamie Novak, author of “Keep This Toss That.”

You might be surprised by how tackling just one small area—like your overflowing silverware tray or tool chest—can put you in a much better mood. Organizing can also help lower your stress levels over the long term.

“Visual chaos is a constant reminder of things to do,” Novak explains. “This, in turn, is a distraction that can make doing everyday chores that much more challenging, frustrating, and time-consuming, since you have to work around stuff that’s in the way.”

Feeling inspired to stress less by reducing your mess? Here are 10 organizing hacks for the clutter magnets in your home. Tackle just one today, and we promise you’ll feel better!

Click here to keep reading!

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