Book about early homes of Historic Brookhaven

The Historic Brookhaven Neighborhood Association and several community residents are working on a book featuring the early homes of Historic Brookhaven ­­­ – those built in 1942 or earlier. The Historic Brookhaven Neighborhood is the only neighborhood in the city of Brookhaven designated on the National Register of Historic Places.

Early/old photographs needed: This book will feature current exterior photographs of the remaining early homes – less than 150 of the 200 homes originally built – and will document these homes before they are dramatically altered or torn down for new homes. Vintage photographs of the early homes are being sought for inclusion in this book. Photographs of homes now gone are of particular interest.

Knowledge/stories of early Historic Brookhaven houses sought: Included in the book will be information/stories from residents of the homes built before 1942 – recollections of the original architects, builders and owners are needed.

Book sponsors sought/advanced book sales offered: The cost of the book is being funded by community sponsors and advance book sales. Go to for how to be a sponsor, purchase a book or provide vintage pictures or information on the historic houses.