Brook Run Trail – Audra’s review

trailYesterday, my husband and I decided it was a beautiful day for a walk.   He suggested we take George and go check out the new trail at Brook Run Park.  Well, George was thrilled with the suggestion and hopped in the car faster than you can shake a stick!

Brook Run is only about 2 miles from my house and it is a shame that I don’t think to head over there more often.   There were lots of people out and about at the dog park, the skate park, and the playground.   All seemed to be enjoying the beautiful afternoon sunshine.

We weren’t sure where the trail began,  but spotted the first glimpse of the trail near the Dog Park.  So, we parked there, and quickly realized we were in the middle of the route.   Therefore, we ended up walking back toward the playground and then worked our way to the end.   It was a quiet and peaceful walk.  We saw a few joggers, strollers, walkers, bikers, and even some dogs for George to greet.  It wasn’t crowded at all and was nice and shady with tons of tree cover for most of the trail.    I kept thinking about how wonderful the trail would have been when my kids were younger and still learning how to ride their bikes.   It is tucked away from traffic so there is no danger of cars!

I didn’t have any tools for measuring, but my husband and I think the trail was about a mile long.   There are plans for a complete  loop that will eventually extend it to about 2 miles long.   We drove around the park afterwards and got our first glimpse of the Community Garden.   It is gorgeous!   I’m still amazed at the size of Brook Run and am optimistic our city leaders will work to find good use of all the vast land that is available in this beautiful park!

Please take some time to head to Brook Run and walk, run, or ride on this beautiful trail that was created for YOU!   I recommend parking near the playground and finding the trail entrance just beyond the playground entrance.   Walk to the end, circle back, and you’ll have 2 miles of exercise under your belt!   I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

3 thoughts on “Brook Run Trail – Audra’s review

  1. Hi Audra,
    The trail is 1.4 miles long and the plans to extend when complete will be a 4 mile long loop. I believe they said it will take 2 years to complete.
    You can check with John Heneghan to confirm, he was there at the grand opening- Bikeapalooza.

  2. Audra,

    The trail is GREAT!! Now that it is in, and all the politics are done, we should all get out and use it. Right now it is only 0.7 miles from the start (near skate park) to the end (trail ends sign). But, 0.7 out and 0.7 back makes a nice 1.4 miles.

  3. The trail is very nice. I go over and walk during the week. Please enjoy this wonderful addition to the park.

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