DeKalb Weather Make Up Day Announcement

The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) will make up two of its four inclement weather days on February 16 and March 9.  A survey will be presented for options on making up the other two days.

DCSD closed schools for four days this month due to inclement weather: Jan. 8 as well as Jan. 17-19. In considering its options to recover that lost instructional time, DCSD has committed to keep the current President’s Day, Spring Break, and last day of school as scheduled.

Potential make-up day options could include a virtual learning day, the addition of a learning period to the regular school day, among others. DCSD also wants to remain flexible in case more inclement weather days are needed in the future.

The survey will be administered at a future date. It will be found at

2 thoughts on “DeKalb Weather Make Up Day Announcement

  1. The Fulton County School District has not come up with a plan yet. Cobb County goes beyond the required number of days in a year so is is “forgiving” the snow days. Gwinnett County students participated in digital learning days. Interesting differences, huh?

  2. I looked at the Dekalb-approved calendars for the next 2 years. The first 2 days of Thanksgiving and the first 3 days of spring break are designated for “inclement weather days”. Many people plan their Thanksgiving and spring break vacations 6+ months in advance including putting down non-refundable deposits. How’s that going to work? You know that half the kids will be gone regardless which means the kids that are there will be sitting around doing busy work as the teachers won’t want to introduce new content. That’s right up there with adding 20 minutes to each day in October and November. Now that Dekalb has issued Chromebooks, why can’t they have virtual learning days like Gwinnett?


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