Discussion and vote for PCMS Charter renewal petition

PCMS Charter Petition Renewal 2016 overview

Members of the Peachtree Middle School Charter Rewrite Committee ask parents of PCMS students to attend a meeting to hear what is included in the renewal charter petition to be presented to the DeKalb County School District. A vote of approval will be taken that night. Attached is an overview of the changes and additions from the previous charter.

Meeting: Wednesday August 12 at 5:30pm in the PCMS Cafeteria

Link to the petition:


 Located on the PCMS Website:


Any questions please email Allegra Johnson, ajwigwam@bellsouth.net

It’s important that parents are aware of what is being proposed because the possibilities and opportunities that are presented in this document are a direct reflection of how PCMS is adjusting to the needs of their student body