Making Time for Quality Time

Primroselogo-2If you’re a working parent, you know how important it is to spend quality time with family. Time is the most valuable non-renewable resource we have, so we must try not to waste it and instead save every last bit of it for those who are nearest and dearest to us.

But how can parents – who juggle the stress of finding balance between work and family every day – make sure they spend the right amount of time on the right things? Since time is finite, we can’t control the quantity we have; however, we can control the quality. Here are some tips to help you make time for quality time:

Organize. Find a scheduling method that works for you and your family – whether it is a calendar, planner or smartphone – and plan ahead! Organize your work activities around important family milestones and events, like your child’s first day of school, birthday or ballet recital. This will help ensure you don’t miss out on “those moments” and other family activities when you spend quality time together.

Set Routines. Jo Kirchner, President and CEO of Primrose Schools, suggests reading with your child before bed each night. “Not only is this a great bonding time, but your child will develop early language and literacy skills to foster a lifelong love of reading,” says Kirchner. Establishing a bedtime routine like this will also help ensure that you spend quality time with your children each and every day. If your children are older, you may make it a family habit to go for a walk after dinner each evening, or have a weekly family movie night. Find a time that works for your family, choose an activity and repeat! Once that routine is in place, you naturally won’t schedule anything during that special block of time each day.

Relax. When you are stressed – at work or otherwise – the anxiety is felt by everyone in your household. Try to set aside regular time for yourself to relax and rejuvenate. The way you do this is completely up to you; some people practice yoga or exercise, while others enjoy a cup of tea, listen to music or take a bubble bath. Allotting this special time for yourself every day is important because a few quality minutes spent on you each day can go a long way!

Unplug. When you’re not working, avoid answering work emails and phone calls. While this can be especially difficult in today’s world where information is constantly at our fingertips, your phone can take quality time you could be sharing with your family. If it’s impossible for you to completely unplug for the whole night, at least wait until your children have gone to bed and avoid checking emails right before you yourself turn in for the night, as studies have shown this can interfere with sleep and increase stress at a time when you should be resting your body to prepare for the following day.

Prioritize. Your work should fit in with your life, not the other way around! Always make quality time with family a priority, and remember that you can have it all, just not all the time. Determine what needs to be done immediately and what can wait, so that you don’t miss out on the precious moments that you will never get back.

For more parenting tips from Primrose Schools, visit our 360 Parenting blog at To learn more about the Primrose School of Dunwoody, please visit our school campus at 5050 Nandina Lane in Dunwoody, or call 770.396.8266.


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Barbara Newsome